Thursday, January 29, 2009

Virgina Wolf - A Room of One's Own

On page 37 when Wolf talks about how she would rather have to money over her vote. I think that there was a really good point brought up in class on how having the money allows her to go beyond the vote. That women can't just stop at getting the right to vote. This made me think of civil rights and how blacks went through the same type of ordeal when they were trying to gain the right to vote. We are learning about the 60's in my history class right now and how much of a struggle it was for the blacks to be able to vote. Do you think women went through some of the same trouble? Probably not to the extent that blacks did but maybe they had some men resisting their votes even after they gained the right to. It also makes sense that they have to go beyond just getting the right to vote. For blacks media was the number one key. Getting themselves herd and the media's attention. I think this can be related to women as well. Even though they can vote is that enough? Do you think that women, like blacks, need media's attention or to be published and herd to really have a say?

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