When reading Othello it is easy to see how place and identity is strongly linked. Everyone from the same culture has commented on Othello's differences, even DesDemona. This reminds me of Saint Mary's. Saint Mary's to me, is a more difficult place to feel like you fit in than a larger, maybe even a state school, would. I think this is due to our strong heritage and traditions. There is definitely a certain "fit" that is Saint Mary's College. I know I felt more comfortable here just because my mom and aunt had gone to school at Saint Mary's... It was fun to talk to girls and have them ask when my mom graduated and share that bond. I imagine it would be extremely difficult to go to school here if you did not feel part of the bond, not necessarily legacy bond, but some sort of Saint Mary's bond. I imagine that this is how Othello felt, out of place, or displaced. Except Othello couldn't just transfer schools.
I like how you introduced the idea of tradition--even generations of traditions--as a way of feeling in place or out of place. What's interesting, too, is how this isn't something that is visible, but, nonetheless, has a huge impact on your sense of belongedness. Do you think it is a good idea for schools to have this? Are there ways to invoke tradition that doesn't lead to alienation, or is it inevitable?